Logos are tough and designing one can be a thorn in the side of any new business. You want to create a sharp, creative design that captures the essence of your business and that also draws people in. Easier said than done, right? So, with the millions of designs out there that already exist, how do you create something truly good? It’s not easy, but we’ve gathered some tips for anyone who is looking for help designing a logo. Let’s get to it.

Start With A Real Brainstorm

For starters, you need to get your brain churning. What does your business represent? If you could sum up everything you do in three words, what would they be? Then, if you could embody your services with a single image, what would you choose? Your image could more straightforward, or you can go more with a more symbolic option. Whichever route you choose, the important thing to remember is that good designs take time. This isn’t something you crank out in ten minutes. Devote the time to your logo and you’ll end up with something that can create long-lasting brand recognition.

Stay Away From The Cliche

Like all things, design trends come and go. Every couple of years, designers will pick up on a fad and you’ll see the same trend repeated over and over again. Avoid the temptation to just copy a popular design and try to come up something more original. A good logo will stay timely even when fads have come and gone, so invest a bit more effort early and you can avoid re-designing later.

Simplicity is the Key

It’s easy to get tied up in the design process and end up with a logo that has too many different elements. Ditch the complexity and stick with something more simple. Look at some of the most quintessential logos of the past few decades. Apple, Nike, and Twitter are all great examples of designs that take simplicity and turn it into something memorable.

Make Versatility a Priority

You need a logo that can works on signs, company letterhead, and business cards. Therefore, your design needs to be able to translate to all of these different mediums. If your logo stretches across too far vertically, it might be tough to use it on a business card. As you are drafting ideas, try to keep in mind all of the places that your logo might show up. Designing a logo can be difficult, but when it’s done correctly, you can establish strong brand identity and take solid steps towards growing your business. At JAS Agency, we take measures to make sure that our clients feel confident in their image and stand ready to help you with logos or any other aspect of marketing. Reach out to us if you are ready to take your business to the next level. Click here to learn more or here to set up a free consultation.